Artist, failed writer, amateur programmer. Why not recycle old accounts you think you'd never return to? Thanks Fulp and co. for not destroying old, long inactive accounts.
Age 33
Joined on 8/3/07
manicjudgement 2010-12-20 08:56:54
Big man no want big text. Big man want small text, no read lots.
flipout6655 2010-12-20 08:56:54
Oh well. That's just how the universe shits. You win some, you lose some to the big man.
williamdickeson 2010-12-25 00:26:43
Merry Christmas!
flipout6655 2010-12-25 00:26:43
Merry belated xmas!
Big man no want big text. Big man want small text, no read lots.
Oh well. That's just how the universe shits. You win some, you lose some to the big man.