Artist, failed writer, amateur programmer. Why not recycle old accounts you think you'd never return to? Thanks Fulp and co. for not destroying old, long inactive accounts.
Age 33
Joined on 8/3/07
thom175 2009-12-08 19:29:25
Interesting. i like it. Can't wait for the next chapter
flipout6655 2009-12-08 19:29:25
Its probably going to be some time for a chapter update. Mostly stumped for ideas, and work is about to be riding its way up my ass.
Perhaps a Christmas miracle will perhaps, shine down upon me.
Interesting. i like it. Can't wait for the next chapter
Its probably going to be some time for a chapter update. Mostly stumped for ideas, and work is about to be riding its way up my ass.
Perhaps a Christmas miracle will perhaps, shine down upon me.